San Diego Association of Insurance Professionals (SDAIP) welcomes you!
The International Association of Insurance Professionals (IAIP), as well as the San Diego Association of Insurance Professionals (SDAIP), serves its members by providing professional education, an environment in which to build business alliances, and the opportunity to make connections with people of differing career paths and levels of experience in the insurance industry.

Expand your network. Connect with the IAIP community of insurance professionals and providers from across the nation.

On demand, online or in a classroom. On your own or with your peers. Explore our courses to find your ideal learning experience.

Connect, share and get involved. Let us help you focus on your future. The best way to grow is to engage with IAIP.

Push beyond your boundaries and advance your career. Become a better leader by learning from industry peers with diverse areas of expertise. Our resources can help.